We know the news is bleak, but it came closer to home this past week with the terror in Boston. It was just one week ago when two bombs detonated amidst bystanders at the Boston Marathon, killing three and wounding 170. Here in the U.S. we’ve come a little closer to identifying with what folks in Israel, Syria and in many other places around the globe experience every day: not knowing when the next bomb will interrupt life as we know it, when it will take the life of someone we love. Continue reading “A Theology of Violence”
MLK on the Purpose of Christ’s Church

New York World-Telegram and The Sun (staff photographer). Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
“In the final analysis the church has a purpose,” said the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and then went on to share from Isaiah 61:1-2 before the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. It was June 5, 1966. The sermon he gave, titled “Guidelines for a Constructive Church,” is a beautiful call to Christ’s church to remember its purpose and call in this world. If you have time on this holiday, I hope you’ll take time to submit yourself to the message of Dr. King. May we be the church God has set us apart to be.